
Ethics Channel

Portonave’s employees, customers, vendors, and service providers have access to an exclusive report channel to notify us of conduct that violates Portonave’s Code of Conduct. This channel can receive confidential/anonymous reports with information on moral and sexual harassment, conflict of interest, suspicions of fraud, misplaced merchandise, among other matters.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct represents Portonave’s firm commitment towards complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding its corporate operations and social interactions, as well as adhering to the highest ethical standards in all aspects of its business.

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Commitment with Integrity and Ethics

Portonave, as the first private terminal to handle containers in Brazil was born and keep a strong posture against bribery and corruption. These commitment are documented in our Code of Conduct and Antibribery Policy which make our duties and responsabilities clear as members of a Company transparent and compromised to the best market practices.

In 2022, Portonave gave one more step to fighting corruption by obtaining the certification under ISO 37001. The adequation to an Antibribery Management System was approved and is incentivated by the Board of Administration and Executive Officers as na inteligente way to beware against damages potentially irreparable of undue practices.

This certification is part of a package of internal control actions which permeates all the Company departments, since the Board of Administration to the blue-collar workers, that aims to protect even more the financial health, sustainability and reputation of Portonave and its employees. We dedicate a Compliance area combined to the Legal Department in order to support risk assessment, controls implementation and action monitoring of the Company. Any unethical conduct or bribery suspition can and shall be reported through the adequate channel, even anonimously and will be dealt with full transparency by our Ethics Committee and Compliance Officer, under the direct supervision of the Board of Administration.

Thus, Portonave have all the internal tools to face the challengs in fighting corruption and bribery, so our actual and future success are and will always be marked by the ethic and integrity with the support of our team with excellence professionals.

Patricio Junior
Chairman of the Board

Commitment with Integrity and Ethics


How it works

You can use the Ethics Channel to report matters related to moral or sexual harassment, conflict of interest, suspicions of fraud, and misplaced merchandise. For operational complaints, questions, or suggestions, such as matters related to human resources, shipping, equipment maintenance, document requests, CV registration, and more, please contact our Ombudsman.

How it works

How to file a report

Na identificação de qualquer fato que esteja contra os valores e a missão da empresa, procure o Canal de Ética por meio dos canais indicados ao lado.

Phone, 8AM to 6PM

0800 878 9017

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